Trackntracer twitter bot
Drawing on several previous works, the new work: Pandemonium takes the NHSCovid19 app as it’s focus, with @trackntracer twitter bot (recently followed by Richard Eudes Director of Deloitte*) deployed as a research assistant, taking the temperature of public debate, rt’ing mentions of track and trace since November 2020.
The track and trace apps quite naturally exceed all previous anxieties regarding surveillance, reaching across bio-medical practice to behavioural analysis, and, at the same time, hold the promise of a pragmatic approach, which, seemingly, when used in combination with measures such as mask wearing, social distancing protocols and an effective vaccination programme, could mean the possibility of a return to being able to co-mingle, once again – as can be seen in several countries success in controlling the pandemic, the world over.
A volatile feed where concerns crystallize around biomedical data, privacy, personal freedoms, and a wild variety of conspiritualities, as conspiracy meets the wellness industry.
Many of which relate to practices of data management and analysis, that raise security and privacy concerns, with worries about mission creep made possible by the financial underpinnings of the app, and the expectations of those investing, and contributing. That the app is in any way discussed as the entry point to vaccine passports, confirms the worst fears of a particularly b-movie bio-political sort, whilst the need for mass medical data to provide deep insights into the behaviour of new variants of the virus, doesn’t diminish with our lack of appetite for what seems like surveillance by the back door.
* one of the private companies invested in the app
see further writing on this whilst on the residency on Risk, at Radar, Loughborough University during the pandemic

Health data and the destruction of GDPR
154 views Nov 11, 2021
Watch this urgent briefing about the current “Data A new direction” proposal, which aims to make it easier to reuse NHS health data for commercial purposes. Learn how patients’ rights will be impacted, and what you can do to fight back. https://www.openrightsgroup.org/campa... SPEAKERS Phil Booth is coordinator medConfidential, an independent, non-partisan organisation working with patients and health care professionals to campaign for confidentiality and consent in health and social care. Martin Blanchard is a retired doctor/academic and a medical campaigner with Keep our NHS Public, a non-party-political organisation campaigning against the privatisation and underfunding of the NHS. Mariano Delli Santi is Open Rights Group’s legal and policy officer. He works on promoting privacy in the online advertising sector, and supports ORG strategic litigation and political advocacy efforts.