13-14th February 2010 - the diagram: held at FormContent with antepress: Julia Calver, Tamarin Norwood, Gemma and Hannah Sharpe, Cressida Kocienski, Patrick Coyle, Claire Nichols,
and Ami Clarke, Josh Baum and David Berridge.
photos of the event on the 13th February.
the diagram
Sited amongst screens, reminiscent of office work cubicles and temporary exhibition stands, providing a spacial grid within the gallery space, discussion and short presentations of ideas relating to the diagram on 13th Saturday February, followed by a day of display on the 14th February of selected works.
13th and 14th February 2010 - FormContent project space: 51-63 Ridley Road, London E8 2NP.
Start at 14:00
Brief introduction to the day and introduction of invited people.
Dr John Mullarkeys lecture Diagrammatic Actualism, ACTUAL VIRTUAL (selected half hour)
My argument is basically that, whereas Deleuze tends to think of his diagrams as virtual processes as only a potentially concrete (or actual) thing I believe that it is better to think of them as already actual processes.
touching on ideas relating to the working drawing, and the performative object.
David Berridge:
Presentation of An Improvised Diagram Syllabus - an overview of the diagram ranging from Rodchenko to Gabriel Orozco - and photographic and video work by Rachel Lois Clapham and Alex Eisenberg.
Julia Calver:
Reading of two recent texts and screening of her video work Jet (2)
Patrick Coyle:
Presentation and discussion around his work Holding this objecty/making this objecty
Cressida Kocienski:
Presentation and discussion of the diagram as linguistic moment
Claire Nichols:
Presentation of a new series of drawings and of the most recent Empty Gallery Interviews
Tamarin Norwood:
Presentation of the artist book DO SOMETHING and of the radio/text work Musica Practica.
Gemma and Hannah Sharpe:
Works by Hannah Sharpe associated with text by Gemma Sharpe will be on display
Josh Baum:
3 balloons - balanced to transcribe in mercurial lines a diagram of almost anything.
End at 18:00