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Ideas that were developed in 'The Underlying' sound work, later developed into a situated version in VR for 'Pandemonium: do androids dream of?' which was developed during a Beyond Matter residency, at ZKM Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, Germany and exhibited in 'Immerse', Talin Art Hall, Estonia, 2023, curated by Corina L. Apostol (Tallinn Art Hall) and Lívia Nolasco-Rózsás (ZKM Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe).
Here, I was interested in expressing something of the multiple scales and temporalities that the work was addressing, utilising ASMR sounds, and developing this in a way that was situated around the VR, so that as you walked through it you experienced it differently each time. The best way to grasp this, aurally, is to view the glimpse of the work that the 3D version on youtube allows for - please scroll down and forward the link to your phone. You need to have youtubed downloaded on a smartphone, and then you can move around inside the 3D experience, and listen to the sound.
I have shown all elements of the VR / immersive environment works, as they are meant to be seen in their entirety - ie they would not be shown seperately, nor without the sound.
Pandemonium, do androids dream of? by Ami Clarke
The work conists of:
VR environment with sound work (scroll down for 3D capture)
twitter bot @trackntracer, deployed as a ‘research assistant’
online dashboard on the Beyond Matter ZKM Karlsruhe site
PandemoniumVR (360 video) by Ami Clarke
360 degree capture from inside the VR - player pov
(please note that the actual VR environment is an immersive 3-dimensional space - the experience is not like a video at all)